343 Pflaumenwein 10% / Plum wine 5cl 3,50
344 Lychee-Wein 14% / Lychee wine 5cl 3,50
345 Sake Japan-Reiswein 15% / Sake Japanese rice wine 5cl 3,80
346 Reis-Schnaps (Kao liang chiew) 62% / Rice Liquor 2cl 3,50
347 Rosen-Schnaps (Mei kuei lu) 54% / Rose Liquor 2cl 3,50
348 Kräuter-Schnaps (Ng kapy) 54% / Herbal Liquor 2cl 3,50
349 Bambus-Schnaps 46% / Bamboo Liquor 2cl 3,50
350 Mou-Tai-Schnaps 53% / Mou-Tai-Liquor 2cl 4,90
351 Lychee-Sekt / Lychee Sparkling wine 0,1l 3,60
HEISSE GETRÄNKE/ (Hot Beverages)
353 Jasmintee/ Jasmine tea 3,10
354 Grünertee/ Green tea 3,10
355 Früchtetee/Fruit tea 2,90
356 Schwarzer Tee
Black tea
357 Kamillentee/ Chamomile tea 2,90
358 Pfefferminztee/ Peppermint tea 2,90
359 Tasse Kaffee / Cup of coffee9 2,90
360 EspressoEspresso9 2,60
361 CappuccinoCappuccinoG,9 3,90
561 Latte MacchiatoG,9 3,90
APERITIF/ (Aperitifs)
362 Martini Bianco 5cl 3,90
363 Martini Dry 5cl 3,90
364 Campari Soda/ Orange3 2cl 4,50
365 Sherry dry/ medium 5cl 3,90
/(Herbal Liqueurs and Spirituous Beverages)
366 Ramazzotti 32% 2cl 3,50
367 Fernet Branca 42% 2cl 3,10
368 Underberg 44% 2cl 2,90
369 Jägermeister 35% 2cl 2,90
370 Williamsbirne 38%/ pear brandy 2cl 3,10
371 Obstler 38% /fruit brandy 2cl 3,10
372 Malteser 40% 2cl 3,10
373 Kirschwasser 42%/cherry brandy 2cl 3,10
374 Rum 40% 2cl 3,10
375 Russischer Wodka 40%/Rassian Vodka2cl 3,10
376 Gin Dry (Gordon’s) 38% 2cl 2,90
377 Whiskey (Jack Daniels) 43% 2cl 3,90
378 Cognac Hennesy V.S.O.P. 40% 2cl 4,50
379 Asbach Uralt 38% 2cl 3,20
China-Restaurant Heng Heng | Ahornstr.30 | 83451 Piding | Tel.08651-766 9665 und 08651-766 9666
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